The West 102nd & 103rd Streets Block Association is a volunteer organization, completely funded by donations from individuals and from buildings within our district. The suggested membership contribution for individuals is $35 a quarter or $140 a year but other amounts will be gratefully accepted. To join our mailing list only, please complete Step 1 below. To make a contribution, please complete Steps 1 and 2.
A note about this form: we appreciate receiving complete information. If you do not wish to provide phone number or street address, simply enter n/a. It is helpful to know where you live so that our building reps are able to share information.
Step 2: Wish to Join?
$35 (per quarter) $140 (full year) |
Please add...
$1.10 $4.50 |
We thank you in advance for joining the Block Association. We also welcome your participation in our events and meetings.