Halloween 2016
Below, by popular demand, is the 2016 Gallery of Ghouls with major hat tips to neighbor-photographers Ozzie Alfonso and Barbara Boynton whose shots along with a few of mine are all mixed up below.
The annual Halloween Parade and Party comes off each year thanks to Jane Hopkins who coordinates it with a team of dedicated Block Association board members and volunteers. You'll see many of them disguised as regular neighbors below, but don't let the costumes fool you. They put in a little elbow grease to make this come together.
So this is a huge "Thank You!" to the Block Association's volunteers. Not just for this evening designed for the kid in everyone, but also for all you do throughout the year! For many of us, community is taking on ever greater importance in a changing city, and it's comforting to know you are all out there.
And, neighbors, to those of you who enjoyed October 31st in our streets or who passed by and liked what you saw, here's something to consider. Maybe you are new to the neighborhood and were pleased to discover so much spirit and community-minded effort going on here? Or maybe you've been watching for many years as the kids get older and older but always look forward to this evening and bring their friends from other blocks, too. Or maybe you saw the merriment (and sugar chaos) and fondly remembered being out there yourself as a kid or with your now-grown kids, back in the day. Yes?
If so, maybe you'd consider getting in the game and helping out the Block Association? We have room for more volunteers, new board members, and generally helpful input from people who value the kinds of things the Block Association tries to facilitate like spring plantings, fall cleanups, solstice caroling and much more. Volunteering need not be daunting thought! It can mean all sorts of things including making an ongoing general commitment, helping with a specific regular task, or showing up to be a one-shot helper. Email us to get involved -- a little or a lot: [email protected]. We could really use your help. And now I give you the evening in pictures. You'll see big kids, medium kids and tiny new kids, who literally just arrived in Bloomingdale. And the unifying draw was to come out, show off their creativity, live vicariously as an alter ego, hear a story, grab a treat, and just marvel at that undeniable truth: Kale be cursed! Candy is still king! At least for one night of the year. Enjoy the pix! And thank you for reading. |
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