It is Time for Our Halloween Parade and Party
My favorite part of this event isn't the kids hopped up on sugar. Bat that's pretty good. It's not that gamut of guises the munchkins choose for costumes, witch is a close second. It's how INTO it the grown-ups are. Holy Moly, did you get a look at Wavy Gravy??
Simple proof that the little kid in all of us yearns tomb break into play.
So come for the wee'uns, but stay for the adults who somehow phantom in their busy schedules to pull a costume together.
It's our community, and it is turning out all along the block between Riverside Drive and West End Avenue on W. 102nd Street for the traditional treat-filled party. If you get there at 6 p.m. you can specterate (or join) the parade that sets off from 865 West End Avenue at 102nd Street. The candy-crazed group marches north to W. 103rd, heads west, then turns south along Riverside Drive to pour into the block-long, traffic-free corridor of decorated brownstones, whose stoops will be filled with dudded-up neighbors, storyreaders, and volunteers. The treats table will be staffed by the Block Association's team with help of friends from St. Luke's. There will be cake and candy; if you have broom, wash it down with delicious apple spider.
So grab your kit and ca-boo-dle, your next of pumpkin, and get ye to this hallowed affair. Soul help me, it's a bury good time.
Photo gallery to come -- send me all your shots: [email protected].