Save Saturday September 29 and Turn Out on West 104th Street and West End
Two weeks from today, on Saturday, September 29, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., West 104th Street between Riverside Drive and West End Avenue becomes the best place to be. Our yard sale was rained out earlier this year, but our neighbors over on 104th are hard at work making offerings to weather gods and booking vendors for this annual event.
It's a great way to turn your unwanted household items into gold while someone goes off happy to give your junque a new life in a happy home. If you don't live on the block, a vendor space will set you back $60 and a space is big enough to split with a friend. All the details may be found here.
Once you are done vending on 104th, don't throw the rest of it away! Discover (and thank me later for telling you now) the fabulous freecycling (freegan) community of Part cult, part utopia, part distribution of resources, is an electronic bulletin board where you can put up "haves" or "wants" for quite literally anything. Trim your book collection, winnow your pots and pans, give away kid items and clothes. Or post an "ask" for a crockpot, a curling iron, an electric drill. You will be amazed by how this community comes through. And it's all in the name of not letting anything go to waste ever again. The New York City group has 64,000 members. Read the boards to get the hang of it, sign in, and get started decluttering today!
Only catch is that everything changes hands completely free.
See you in two weeks on 104th Street!