It is Almost Time for the Annual Yard Sale on W. 103rd Street on May 17, 2014!
Weather Update: The May 17th Yard Sale is On! Are you saving the date for our Annual Yard Sale? Plans for May 17th (rain date May 18th) are ramping up with vendors reserving their spots and culling treasures from their closets to sell all day long at this yearly neighborhood fest, which rolls out all along W. 103rd Street between West End and Riverside! Read about last year's event here. Highlights you ask? THE BARGAINS! Books, vintage items, kids clothes, toys and equipment, housewares, jewelry, art, photos, and more. The traditional split-pot raffle went up to nearly $800 last year; so look for our raffle ticket sales table to get in the game. It's an excellent way to support the Block Association. But that's not all. There will also be delicious food, music, fun for kids. And, to keep it green, there will be recycling drop-off spots for your old electronics and textiles. Plus our neighborhood friends over at BAiP will have a table to tell you what they are up to. So tell your all your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your dog-walking buddies, shout it from the rooftops: the annual yard sale is coming.... And the only thing missing is you! Volunteers, we need you! If you wish to come out and help in the days leading up to the sale or on the sale date itself (and we can always use helpers!), please let us know: [email protected] We're also looking for musicians to play sets at our open mic. And we're looking for bakers to donate to the bake sale. One thing every Block Association member can help us do is to take this viral by Facebooking and tweeting about it at the links below! See you at the Yard Sale on May 17th. By Caitlin Hawke Photo credits (right, top to bottom): Hedy Campbell, Ozzie Alfonso, Terence Hanrahan. Credit (below): Ozzie Alfonso. |