A Public Information Panel on Cognitive Fitness from BAiP for Everyone
Thanks to BAiP's Panel Committee, the upcoming June 7th panel features two Columbia University scientists presenting the latest work in neuropsychology and the aging process: "The Aging Brain and How to Keep It Fit." This panel isn't just for the older adults among us!
It will be held on Wednesday at 5 pm (til 6:45) at the Bloomingdale Branch of the New York Public Library, 150 W. 100th Street in the Community Room on the 2nd floor.
So, does it boil down to good genes? Or is it a matter of 'use it or lose it' when it comes to keeping cognitively fit? You might be surprised how compelling the research that argues for staying physically active is for keeping sharp. Speakers will present latest research and some strategies that might be helpful.
Here's the line up. Hope you can join us. I'll be moderating it, wearing my work hat as Senior Science and Strategy Officer at the Columbia Aging Center.
Dr. Richard Sloan is Nathaniel Wharton Professor of Behavioral Medicine. Among his research pursuits as a behavioral scientist, Dr. Sloan examines the effects of exercise for the prevention or slowing of age-related changes in the brain.
Dr. Anna MacKay-Brandt is a neuropsychologist specializing in geriatrics who will speak about evidence-based strategies to improve memory. BAiP's Caitlin Hawke, who is Senior Science and Strategy Officer at the Columbia Aging Center, will moderate. With articles -- like this one from last week's New York Times -- regularly recommending strategies to stave off memory loss through behavior modification, we thought the research focus of this panel would be compelling to BAiP's members.