Pictures from Billy Goats Bluff in Riverside Park
It's day three of the chewfest also known as Goatham, and they've turned out in droves. Not the goats, mind you. The spectators. You'll have lots of time to go behold the caprine beauties at work. But to tide you over, gentle readers, I give you this gallery of goats. If you have pictures, email them to me and I will add them:[email protected].
I'd also love several pix of the area in these early days to compare to the postprandial site late this summer. Send me what you've got!
Who knew that we'd get such a kick out of this. I suppose it's the incongruity. Or maybe it's the ingenuity. With everything pointing to A.I, you'd not have blinked if some outdoor version of the Roomba had been deployed. But outsourcing this job to goats? Whoever thought of it deserves a bonus. And now, behold the beauty. (Click on the first image to launch the slide show gallery.)
h/t to photogs N. Schneider, C. Campbell, P. Sperling, D. Zetlan....