Come Join Us: April 22 is Spring Planting Day!
Neighborhood families, what kid -- big or small -- doesn't like to dig around in topsoil? To sweep and rake. And make her garden grow?
If you are hearing a little Voltaire and a little Lenny Bernstein in that, you'll enjoy the embedded extra below (if you are reading this via an email feed, you'll have to click on the blog to view the video extra at the bottom of this post).
But it boils down to this: twice a year the block association shouts out to neighbors of all ages to turn up and beautify our blocks. Neighbor Mark Schneiderman -- father of twins who will be out there, too -- is orchestrating this year. For specifics, you can email him: [email protected].
If you are not up for kneeling or not down with crouching, I say pick up your smartphone and walk the catchment shooting and kvelling over the greening team. Consider this a request to all for your best Planting Day photos. The dirtier the hands and the prettier the flowers, the better. And I dare you planters not to smile...I predict it will be impossible. Email your shots to [email protected].
Details in the poster below for the big day. Save the date: Earth Day, April 22 (rain date April 23). And then make sure to grab a neighbor. Collect your kids. Make a new friend.
It is said in Candide that the sweetest flowers and the fairest trees are grown in solid ground...albeit slightly hemmed in by concrete and macadam.