Precious Plantings and the Neighborhood Tree Doctor
By Caitlin Hawke
Happy Vernal Equinox!
What better day than to pull from the vaults from about 10 years ago, a newsletter piece written by local gem Dorothy O'Hanlon and featuring the architect of many a planter (and walker of many a hound) our neighbor, Precious Costello Caldwell, Jr.
Since 2008, other media outlets have piled on, and he has been profiled in the NYT, on the show "Neighborhood Slice," in other blogs and on the news.
But you read it here first!
His tree well construction days are behind him, I hear. But he'll go down in our local lore as the arborist EMT who salvaged our West End gingko post-assault three years ago. A miracle of ingenuity and TLC, his surgery postponed the tree's inevitable demise.
It's a good time to remind you that the Block Association's Spring Planting Day is scheduled for April 21, 10 a.m. Save the date. I'll post a reminder in mid-April.
Hope to see you at the Master on Thursday, March 22 for the Block Association's Annual Meeting.
Details for both events are on the BA calendar. And now to Precious.