Volume I, Number I - Our First Newsletter
I was trained as an archeologist, only I dug in limestone caves of Southwest France for 100,000 year old human fossils. But it doesn't matter! A find is a find and the euphoria is the same.
I had that exact same thrill when, at Hedy Campbell's suggestion, I headed over to the Bloomingdale library branch and leafed through old printed editions of the Block Association's newsletters. Curated and preserved by neighborhood gem and resident B.A. archivist, Ginger Lief, and somewhat at the behest of the Bloomingdale Neighborhood History Group's Win Armstrong I am guessing, the archive has wonder upon wonder which I'll be unearthing here for the next while. But no better place to start than Volume I, Number I of the newsletter in its entirety. I realize that the photos below will be hard to read so a downloadable pdf is also included here.
Things changes. Things stay the same. Neighbors age, others move in. Friends move "up". And Bloomingdale goes round and round in the Cirle Game that Joni Mitchell sang about: "We can't return we can only look behind from where we came. And go round and round and round in the circle game."
And this Block Association has moved 46 times round the seasons. And as you'll see from the half-century 0ld content of this issues pages, we're all captives here on the carousel of time.
With my thanks and respect to several women who love our history enough to allow me to find this treasure with nearly no effort at all: Ginger and Win and probably to Hedda too, this one's for you!
And to the founders of this block association, where'er you walk, thank you for the legacy of this association. Long may the painted ponies you left behind continue to go up and down.

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