This Website is Your Go-To Source for Back Issues, Too!
By Caitlin Hawke
The Fall 2017 issue of the Block Association's newsletter is now "live" online. You can get to the table of contents by way of this link and click through to articles of interest. It takes a small but powerful army to accomplish this quarterly endeavor. The writers mostly have bylines and may be known to you. But too invisible is the field marshal, Hedy Campbell. It wouldn't exist without her. She is the editor with Jacob Gross co-piloting as associate editor, and, trust me, they toil. Brad Spear does the considerable lift on graphic design. He, too, toils. The three of them deserve an ovation. Incredibly there must be 25 others who contribute to each issue, either as regular columnists or feature writers. If you like what you read, savor it as a very special, all-volunteer produced, labor of love for this community. An in admiration, don't forget to re-up your Block Association membership!
As you've read in past blog posts, this newsletter has been going strong since 1971. The inaugural issue and pieces from many issues since are highlighted in a regular blog feature called "One from the Vault" which you can get to by clicking that link under "Categories" at right (if you are reading this post online) or by clicking here if you receive blog posts directly to your email.
By the way, I have a big backlog to do on the blog, I realize. But do know that more treasures from the vault, more Throwback Thursdays: Bloomingdale Edition, and more It's Elemental features are all coming. But by trickle not by flood.

The whole newsletter is worth your giving it a once over. For example, I'd also point you to the piece on Hosteling International NYC because together with the Bloomingdale Neighborhood History Group, they have a great program coming up on October 4th at 6:30 p.m. on the history of the landmarked building at 891 Amsterdam Avenue and on the hostel itself. I'll try to post a reminder nearer the date.
Check out the current issue because there's much more on Fall Tree Well Clean Up Day (Oct. 14), National Night Out, business news, calls for your participation and art endeavors by talented neighbors. If you are in the catchment of the Block Association, you should have received your print copy this past week, hot off the press.
Happy reading!