Lights of Morningside Heights
Dear Readers,
Why do these lights always make me happy! There must be some kind of serious hard wiring lurking within from millenia of humankind's sunworshipping ways, and it gets tripped this time of year.
College Walk, all gussied up and glittering, is all that. At least for me.
This picture comes with warm wishes to everyone this season and heartfelt thanks for tuning into the Block Association blog. May 2018 be as gentle and kind as 2017 was not.
More to come.
Caitlin Hawke
December is "Spread the Blove" month. Subscribing to the blog is a great way to stay in touch between newsletters of the W. 102nd & 103rd Streets Block Association. Speaking of which the Winter newsletter is out. You should have received your copy. A pdf will be posted on the website shortly.
Spread the blove...there's lots and lots more on tap here at the B.A. blog coming your way in 2018.