Those Cheeks, That Neck, That Chin: Must Be Audrey
This isn't technically a Throwback Thursday post, but I am going to tag it as one since an earlier of my Throwback posts put me in an Audrey Munson state of mind. That face is everywhere!
I am not going to retread the narrative. Her story has been told again, and again, and again thanks both to her long life and her tragic fate. But for a time she was the most sought after model of the time. Sculptor after sculptor asked her to pose. And it wasn't infrequent that she sat for multiple figures in one work, as you'll see below.
So, while I usually try to stick to the Block Association's immediate environs when featuring things in this blog, I thought it was fair to stretch it a bit with this offering. The truth is, we boast a few prime Audreys right here in B'dale. And I have come to think of her as an honorary neighbor. What links us to the rest of the city (and well beyond) is one long chain of Audreys -- ornamenting buildings and fountains and bridges. Arms outstretched. Breasts bared. Laurel crowned. Leafed in gold. Marble hewn. Bronzed. Iconic.
I give you now, up close and personal and all in one place, the muse extraordinaire of Bloomingdale and well beyond. Miss Audrey Munson.
For details about each sculpture depicted below, hover over the image with your cursor and a caption will appear with date, site and sculptor. Most (but sadly not all) are in place today; you can go see her for yourself.
If you want to explore more of our neighborhood's history, click here to see all prior entries in the recurring feature of this blog, "Throwback Thursday."
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