Snapshot from the 2014 Spring Yard Sale
There will be a full reporting in our newsletter, but let me wet your whistle with the above image. Renée Fishbain, Marv Schoenberg and Roberta Marshall -- all first time volunteers for us, but seasoned connoisseurs of "stuff" -- stood on their feet from early in the morning until closing time. They staffed the rummage table where proceeds directly benefit the block association, and these three friendly souls hawked and haggled all day long to help us out. Thanks to them -- and to dozens of donors of items, especially from BAiP members -- the rummage table raised hundreds of dollars.
These three neighbors are just a few of our incredible volunteers who staffed a wide variety of tables and helped in myriad ways. There were those at the refreshment stand, those at the silent auction and raffle table, at our e-waste station, on our music stage and more. There were those you couldn''t see: the folks who prepped and planned and emailed and phoned, who baked, bought, and papered, who woke up early and chalked the street after a drenching night's rain, who got cars moved so the street was relatively clear, and who did the final sweep.
If you see Renée, Marv or Roberta or any members of our corps of volunteers, please tell them how much you appreciate their work. And if you see Yard Sale coordinator Bob Aaronson, shake that man's hand. He is a miracle of calm in a sea of yard sale chaos.
Makes me want to sing the wonderful song urging Annie to take a load off by The Band to them all. Yard Sale volunteers: put your feet up and bask in the glory of your job well done.
By Caitlin Hawke