Lighting Up West End Avenue Since 1897
I got the message at far bottom today from ConEd. So this explains the decibels I endured this morning, despite the rain that you'd think would put a damper on things.
Thinking about electricity and what at times seems like our city's crumbling infrastructure, my thoughts jumped to a charming tidbit I'd unearthed a while back when researching the history of a building in these parts. It comes from the March 6, 1897, edition of The Electrical Age (Volume 19, No. 10, p. 148):
Ok, so no one irons anymore, and we don't have gas lamps, but it's sort of incredible to think how little the technology has changed in the 12 decades since this tidbit ran. The lesson that comforts me is how quickly a new technology can be adapted and applied to benefit all.
Let's see where is all goes. Fiat lux, ConEd. Fiat lux!